
It is hard to overestimate the importance of physics. Everything that makes modern society different from those of the previous eras was made possible thanks to the practical application of physics. Our knowledge of natural physical processes is constantly growing, and most new discoveries find practical application. Still, researchers constantly face new challenges and encounter new phenomena, all of which require new physical theories to be explained and comprehended. Despite the vast amount of knowledge accumulated thus far, modern physics still has a long way to go until it can describe all of the nature’s phenomena. The competition’s tasks in physics are designed for students enrolled in natural sciences and engineering programs.

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Training tasks

Methodological board

Supervising University — National Research Nuclear University MEPhI

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI is one of Russia’s top universities that works to promote engineering occupations, as well as the generation, propagation, application and preservation of scientific knowledge in order to solve the global challenges of the 21st century.

MEPhI was founded during World War II as the Moscow Mechanical Institute of Munitions and made a great contribution to the war effort. Its original mission was to train skilled personnel for military programs. Amongst its founders are such great scientists and statesmen as Igor Kurchatov, Boris Vannikov, Yakov Zel’dovich, Nikolay Semyonov, Aleksandr Leipunskii, and many others.

Today, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI is one of the country’s best universities that trains elite specialists in the fields of nuclear power industry, science, IT and other technology-intensive sectors of economy. It is a major academic center with branches in all of the Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation’s operation areas; this partnership accounts for the university’s focus on both fundamental research and development of end products.

The university’s educational activities are based on three key concepts: education, science and innovation, united within the framework of research activity.

The university is recognized for its proficiency and possesses unique competencies and advantages in the following cutting-edge fields:

  • Nuclear research and technologies;
  • Laser, plasma and beam technology;
  • Microwave nanoelectronics;
  • Information technologies.

On the base of its main areas of focus, the university develops such global promising fields as:

  • Space research and technologies;
  • Controlled nuclear fusion;
  • Nanobiotechnologies, biomedicine and medical physics;
  • New materials for nuclear and space engineering.


  • 03.04.01 Applied Mathematics and Physics
  • 03.04.02 Physics
  • 11.04.04 Electronics and Nanoelectronics
  • 12.04.03 Photonics and Optical Computing
  • 12.04.04 Biotechnical Systems and Technologies
  • 12.04.05 Laser Engineering and Laser Technologies
  • 14.04.02 Nuclear Physics and Technologies
  • 16.04.01 Applied Physics
  • 16.04.02 High-technology Plasma and Power Systems
  • 22.04.01 Materials Science and Materials Technology